Vivant VLeaf Go Vaporizer Review
Cannabis vaporizers come in all shapes and sizes, filling a broad spectrum of simple, budget-friendly devices to high-end, feature-loaded vaporizers appealing to the more experienced vaping crowd.
Where does the VLeaf Go fit in? It's hollowed out a nice little niche of on-demand, rapid heating all wrapped up into a simple, compact design. The result is performance and use that lives up to the "Go" in the name, as it is perfect for on-the-go use.
If you've been looking for a travel-friendly dry herb vaporizer that packs a punch in quickly producing thick vapour? Then you should be taking a long, hard look at the VLeaf Go!
Look and Feel
The VLeaf Go uses a traditional pen design, making it easy to handle and travel with. It's just shy of 140mm long and weighs just less than 65g. While it is nice and compact, its heating chamber holds a solid amount of cannabis (or your preferred dry herb). It has a capacity of 0.2-0.8g, which is a great option for moderate vaping throughout the day.
You'll find a single button on the midsection of the device, which serves as the power button and how you navigate through the three pre-programmed heating options. You can also hold the button when you're actively taking a hit, though it does include a "session mode" if you'd prefer it to be a bit more automatic (more on this feature in the performance section).
Aside from the replaceable ceramic heating chamber, the overall build and vapour path are mostly plastic, which helps the device be very lightweight (though flavour-chasers may be disappointed).
Overall, the look and feel strike a balance between simplicity and performance that both vaporizer veterans and beginners can enjoy!
The standout performance feature of the VLeaf Go is a common thread throughout the Vivant line of cannabis vaporizers. It features on-demand vaping, which means you can go from the device being completely powered off to actively producing vapour instantly. If you like the idea of using a dry herb pen as easily and conveniently as a standard e-liquid vaporizer, then this feature will meet your vaping needs perfectly.
Aside from on-demand vaporization, you'll find three pre-programmed heating options (simply labelled as low, medium and high). It's enough variation to let experienced vapers feel like they have agency while vaping a variety of dry herbs, but it's simple enough that the VLeaf Go is a fantastic entry-point device for those new to cannabis vaping.
While the VLeaf Go doesn't have any built-in water filtration, you can connect the entire device to a standard water pipe to enjoy water-filtered vapour (with no attachments necessary). This is where the "Session" mode will come in handy, since having to physically press the button down while keeping the device steady in a bong during hits is a bit of a handful. Session mode fires for 30 seconds, giving you ample time to get several solid hits in!
Overall, the performance is simple but very satisfying, especially given how simple and basic the VLeaf Go is. It strikes a middle ground perfectly to appeal to both beginner and veteran cannabis vapers.
If you're in the market for a simple, travel-friendly device that produces vapour exactly when you want it, then the VLeaf Go proves itself a tantalizing option. You'll get a discrete, compact design with solid dry herb capacity, some heating variation, a replaceable heating chamber, and even the option to use the device with a bong!
As we said, there is no precision heating option, which will limit how you can customize your vapour flavour. That, combined with a plastic vapour path, means that flavour-chasers may be a bit let down by the overall fidelity of the taste of the vapour.
However, you trade a small amount of flavour quality for quickly produced, potent hits of vapour, and the flavour can be enhanced with the use of a water pipe. If you're in the market for a simple device or a travel-friendly device that still packs a punch, you won't go wrong with the VLeaf Go.